Volunteer at Riverside Ranch! Make a Difference in the lives of others and your community!
​Important Items to know:
We need volunteers on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. You must be at least 14 years old to volunteer in our Therapeutic Riding Program.
You need to be able to walk/jog for 30 minutes. As a sidewalker or horse leader we are constantly moving during our 30 minute lessons. You must attend a volunteer training and orientation prior to volunteering in our lessons.
We do have barn chores that need to be done each week. Those are typically on Tuesdays and Saturdays. For Barn chores we welcome all ages as long as they are accompanied by an adult if under 14 years old.
Volunteer Roles
Equine Team
Equine Support: Feed horses/cats weekly 2-hour weekly commitment. (Must have experience with horses for at least two years).
Routine Care: Support horses by working them, must be able to lunge horses. This role can include meal prep for horses and feeding them as well. Must have served in Equine Support for at least 3 months prior. 2-3 hour weekly commitment
Programs Team
Horse Leader: At least 2 year’s experience owning a horse or 2 years horseback riding lessons, must be at least 14 years old and has been through Riverside Ranch Volunteer Training and Pass Leader Test. Must be able to walk/run for 30 minutes for lessons.
Sidewalker: At least 14 years old and has been through Riverside Ranch Volunteer Training. Must be able to walk/run for 30 minutes for lessons.
Volunteer Coordinator/Support: Email volunteers about upcoming lesson needs. Keep track of volunteer contacts and hours of volunteers in spreadsheets. Call/text volunteers for last minute volunteer needs. Communicate with Sarah for ongoing needs of volunteers and training.
Farm Enrichment Helper: Helps participants with farm activities as scheduled that day for the lessons.
Barn Chores Team
Greeter: Welcomes Everyone to the ranch, makes sure all waivers are signed for any new volunteers,volunteers have signed in, help get snacks and drinks ready for volunteers. Possible other admin duties on site:filing waivers etc.
Work Leader: Helps lead a small group for volunteers with barn chores.
Barn Chores helper: Carries out barn chore activities: varies from pasture clearing(manure, leaves, pine cones, rocks etc), cleaning tack, painting fences or any other special projects. All ages welcome. If under 14 years old must have a guardian/caregiver at all times present with you.
Additional opportunities
Prayer Team: Monthly prayer meetings at the ranch in person and be added to our email prayer list. Whether you are local or not we would greatly appreciate your prayers and support.
Riverside Ranch Ambassador: Help Spread the word about all the great things happening at Riverside Ranch! Invite a group of friends out to the ranch to hear our story and volunteer. Great for those wanting to volunteer but can’t commit regularly.
If you would like to volunteer at Riverside Ranch please click here to download our volunteer packet. To register and sign up Click Here.